Voter Information
Visit the Voter Information for Municipalities page on the government of Prince Edward Island’s website to learn about:
- When are municipal elections?
- What are the rules for running a municipal election?
- Who can vote? *Resort Municipality has unique eligibility for voters, see the Resort Election tab.
- How can I tell if I am on the List of Electors for my municipality?
- How do I register as an elector in my municipality?
- What do I need to bring with me in order to vote in the municipal election?
- Where can I find information about who is running for Council in my municipality?
- When will I learn the results of a municipal election?
- Where can I find the contact information for a municipality? Search the Municipal Directory
Depending on where you live and the services you receive, municipalities oversee and can have a daily impact on:
- water and sewerage services;
- emergency measures planning;
- fire services;
- parks, culture, and recreation;
- land use;
- building development permits;
- nuisance or animal control bylaws, and much more.
Voting in municipal elections is important and a key part of our democracy. Your vote:
- helps to determine who represents your views for the future of the municipality
- is your voice on issues that are important to you
- impacts local services and programs provided by the municipality
- shows that you care about what happens in your municipality and local community
- can help to create positive change in your municipality
Voters play an important role in deciding how municipalities on Prince Edward Island are governed, and by whom. Municipal elections happen in the fall every 4 years, and bi-elections happen as needed. The next municipal election for the Island is in 2026.